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Heroin addiction is very serious and can impact anyone, regardless of their age, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status. Heroin is a cheaper, more accessible alternative to prescription opioids such as Percocet, Oxycontin, and Vicodin. Choosing not to seek help with heroin addiction can lead to dire consequences, including strained relationships, financial troubles, and possibly overdose.
Trying heroin just once can lead to addiction. It’s an incredibly powerful substance, and it claims thousands of lives every single year. Among those who try heroin for the first time, more than 25% become addicted.
Typically, the brain releases chemicals to reward behaviors conducive to survival. When a person takes heroin, the drug attaches to proteins within the brain called opioid receptors. This part of the brain is responsible for feelings of pleasure. When drugs like heroin stimulate opioid receptors without the presence of pain, they can cause the user to seek out the drug repeatedly for pleasure.
Eventually, the user feels as though they cannot function without the drug. It becomes as important as eating, drinking, or sleeping. This phenomenon is one of the many reasons why it is essential to treat addiction as early as possible.
Moments after taking heroin, you will begin to experience its symptoms. Initially, you may feel euphoric, but the bliss wears off after a few hours and leaves you with the drug’s residual effects.
You may find that your ability to speak and move at a normal pace is significantly impaired. Some people refer to this as feeling as though they are in a dream-like state. The main reason for this is that heroin blocks your body’s pain messages. It slows your heart rate, and if you overdose, the risk of death is high.
Most people take heroin as a way to cope with anxiety or other stress, and a majority of those who are addicted have a mental health issue already, such as ADHD, bipolar disorder, or depression.
Withdrawal symptoms are a tell-tale sign that you are addicted to heroin. These symptoms include, but are not limited to:
Risks of Heroin Addiction
Heroin addiction involves many short- and long-term risks.
Beyond the adverse physical and mental health effects of heroin, there are also additional risks to consider.
Heroin addiction may put a strain on your relationships, causing you to detach from friends and family members you were once close with. The side effects can prevent you from completing daily tasks, leading to career disruption, financial devastation, and possibly homelessness.
The isolation and depression people feel as a result of these changes can cause them to become even more dependent on heroin to improve their mood temporarily.
Seeking treatment for heroin addiction is the first step to a brighter future. It can save your life.
The treatment options for heroin addiction are designed to wean you off the drug slowly. Quitting abruptly can be dangerous, and that is why healthcare professionals often administer synthetic opioids, such as methadone and buprenorphine, during detoxification.
Rehab facilities like Jackson House Recovery Centers can help you address the root causes of your addiction and provide you with coping mechanisms for resisting the drug once you have detoxed. You can choose to receive inpatient or outpatient care. Each form of treatment offers a different level of support.
Take our 10-question quiz to see if you have any signs of a heroin addiction. If you are struggling with addiction, remember there is hope. Jackson House is here to help.
1. How often do you use heroin?
2. Have you ever overdosed on heroin and needed to be reviewed with Narcan?
3. Have you ever traded sex, money or drugs for heroin?
4. Has your heroin use strained your relationships with loved ones?
5. Do you need to use more heroin than you used to in order to achieve the same high?
6. Have you experienced withdrawal symptoms when you tried to stop using heroin?
7. Have you shown up to work high this year?
8. Are you experiencing financial troubles because of your heroin use?
9. Has someone you loved suggested you have a problem with heroin?
10. Have you tried to quit using heroin but were unable to stop?
If you have selected answer "A" to any of the questions above, you could be struggling with a heroin addiction. A healthcare professional can provide you with a proper diagnosis and suggest the best treatment options for your needs. Call our team today to learn how we can help.
This quiz is for informational purposes only and is not to be considered a diagnosis of a substance use disorder. Please consult a mental health professional for an appointment.
We know how difficult it can be to take the first step toward overcoming your addiction. Reach out to Jackson House Recovery Centers today and allow our team of experienced professionals to guide you through the rest of your recovery.
Our program will provide 24/7 support as you detox and participate in individual and group therapy. We strongly emphasize nutrition, life skills, and aftercare to help you avoid relapse once your treatment is complete. No matter where you are in your journey, you are not alone. Jackson House is here to help.