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An estimated 15 million people in the US struggle with alcohol addiction. These disorders can range from mild to severe and cause significant disruptions in people’s lives. An unhealthy relationship with alcohol can strain your relationships, jeopardize your health, impact your ability to work, and put your safety at risk. If you are wondering if you or someone you love may have alcohol use disorder, here are some of the most common symptoms:

  • Continuing to drink alcohol even when you know it is causing you physical, social, or emotional problems
  • Experiencing symptoms of withdrawal when you rapidly stop or decrease drinking
  • Failing to meet important work, social, and family commitments because of alcohol use
  • Feeling anxious or stressed when you do not have access to alcohol
  • Inability to limit alcohol intake
  • Strong urges or cravings to drink

How Alcohol Addiction Begins

The process of developing an alcohol addiction is often gradual and influenced by a variety of factors.

Starting to drink at a young age is a risk factor for alcoholism, as children are psychologically vulnerable, and their brains are still developing. If their tolerance for alcohol becomes too high, they will require more alcohol to feel its effects.

Many people begin drinking to cope with difficult circumstances. Environmental factors such as family dynamics, stress, trauma, and socioeconomic status can contribute to the development of alcohol addiction.

Having a family history of addiction or a close family member struggling with alcohol increases the risk of alcoholism because of genetic predisposition. Individuals with a family history of alcohol addiction may inherit genetic variations that affect their susceptibility to developing alcohol use disorders. Furthermore, children learn behaviors and coping mechanisms by observing their parents and family members. If alcohol misuse is normalized or modeled within the family, children may be more likely to adopt similar patterns of behavior.

The glamorization of alcohol in the media can normalize excessive drinking and contribute to the perception that it is socially acceptable. Many times, the media does not show the adverse effects of excess alcohol consumption.

Alcohol addiction often begins with occasional episodes of binge drinking. Over time, individuals may find themselves relying more on alcohol, with shortened time between episodes.

Consistent consumption of excessive alcohol or prolonged periods of drinking can contribute to alcohol-related issues.

Being surrounded by friends or family members who drink excessively can contribute to the development of alcoholism. The people you spend time with will often influence and shape your attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors regarding alcohol consumption.

Stages of Alcoholism

There are numerous stages to alcoholism. Taking the time to understand them can help you pinpoint whether or not you are currently at risk.


Pre-alcoholism involves drinking to feel better during moments of distress. You may find that you drink to dull your pain or that you drink to forget. Some people drink to quell their anxieties, and if this is the case, your reliance on alcohol may escalate if you do not get the appropriate help.

Early alcoholism

Blacking out from drinking too much is a significant warning sign of early alcoholism. You may find that you lie about the quantity or frequency of your alcohol consumption. You may also think about drinking frequently and look forward to when you are going to get your next drink.

Middle alcoholism

At this point, it’s evident to those who are close to you that you are having problems with alcohol. You may become forgetful, irritable, or physically affected. You might experience redness in your face, weight gain, or excessive bloating. At this stage, a support group can be very beneficial.

Late alcoholism

At this stage, drinking has consumed every aspect of your life. Attempts to stop result in tremors, hallucinations, and more. Therapy and rehab can help you get your life back on track.

Our Alcohol Addiction Programs

Over time, alcoholism can take a toll on your health. Excessive alcohol use can lead to heart problems, liver disease, bone damage, nutritional deficiencies, neurological complications, and increase your risk of cancer.

Fortunately, there are effective treatment methods for an alcohol use disorder that can improve the quality of your life. At Jackson House Addiction Treatment & Recovery Center, our team uses proven techniques to help individuals learn to live without needing alcohol. Our residential treatment program provides around-the-clock support and is run by experienced doctors, nurses, and counseling professionals.

Our alcohol addiction treatment program includes supervised detoxification (if needed), individual and group therapy, immersive activities to teach you healthy coping skills, a strong emphasis on nutrition to properly fuel your body, medication management (if needed), and ongoing support.

Watch Scott's Success Story

Alcohol Addiction Quiz

Take our 10-question quiz to see if you have any signs of an alcohol addiction. If you are struggling with addiction, remember there is hope. Jackson House is here to help.

Question 1

1. How often do you drink?

Question 2

 2. When you drink, do you blackout?

Question 3

 3. Do you use alcohol to help you cope with stress, anxiety or anger?

Question 4

4. Do you hide your drinking from family or friends?

Question 5

5. Have your relationships with family and friends suffered because of your alcohol use?

Question 6

6. Have you missed deadlines at work or social obligations because of drinking?

Question 7

7. Do you feel hungover even when you are not drinking?

Question 8

8. Do you feel hungover even when you are not drinking?

Question 9

9. Do you feel an urge to drink first thing when you wake up to make it through the day?

Question 10

10. Do you want to quit drinking but feel unable to stop?

If you have selected answer "A" to any of the questions above, you could be struggling with an alcohol addiction. A healthcare professional can provide you with a proper diagnosis and suggest the best treatment options for your needs. Call our team today to learn how we can help.


This quiz is for informational purposes only and is not to be considered a diagnosis of a substance use disorder. Please consult a mental health professional for an appointment.

Contact Us

Contact us today to learn more about our treatment options and rehab facility. Our experienced and compassionate team is available to address any questions or concerns you may have. We look forward to helping you experience a life free from the constraints of your addiction.

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