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Data from the National Institute on Drug Abuse shows that in the United States, 128 people die every day from overdosing on opioids. While opioids can be safe when prescribed by a doctor and taken correctly, they can also be highly addictive. Right now, opioid addiction is a national crisis. When opioids are misused, they can easily disrupt your life, ruin your finances and destroy your relationships. Here are some common signs of an opioid addiction:

  • Inability to control opioid use even though it's having negative effects on personal relationships, finances, and/or your health
  • Uncontrollable cravings to use
  • Stealing money from friends, family and businesses to buy more
  • If prescribed, doctor shopping to obtain more pills
  • If prescribed, taking more dosage than recommended daily
  • Feeling anxious, angry, or irritated when unable to obtain more
  • Experiencing symptoms of withdrawal when you rapidly stop or decrease use

Using opioids can put you at a higher risk of overdosing and dying, it also increases your chance of heart attack, contracting an STD and developing long-term mental health issues.

Opioids come in several forms, including heroine, fentanyl and pain relievers like oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine, morphine and many others. 

You can seek help for an opioid addiction. If you are ready to change, our team at Jackson House Addiction Treatment & Recovery Center will help you detox safely and teach how to live substance-free. Our residential treatment program provides you 24/7 support and gives you a safe environment to fully focus on your recovery.

Our opioid addiction treatment program includes supervised detox (if needed), individual and group therapy, immersive activities to teach you how to manage stress, a strong emphasis on nutrition to heal your body from the inside out, medication management (if needed) and ongoing support.

Wondering if you have a problem with opioid use? Take our short self-assessment.


Take our 10-question quiz to see if you have any signs of an opioid addiction. If you are struggling with addiction, remember there is hope. Jackson House is here to help.

Question 1

1. Have you ever used opioids that were not prescribed by your doctor or ignored the doctor’s instructions?

Question 2

2. How often do you use opioids?

Question 3

3. Have you developed a tolerance to opioids and found you need to use more in order to achieve the same results?

Question 4

4. Do you spend much of your time thinking about using opioids or where you will find them next?

Question 5

5. Do you use opioids when it could be physically dangerous for yourself or others such as driving a car or operating heavy machinery?

Question 6

6. Have opioids interfered with your ability to connect with the people you love?

Question 7

7. Have you missed work or social commitments because of opioid use?

Question 8

8. Have you tried to quit using opioids in the past but have been unable to stop?

Question 9

9. Have you stolen money so you can purchase opioids?

Question 10

10. Has someone you loved suggested you have a problem with opioids?

If you have selected answer "A" to any of the questions above, you could be struggling with an opioid addiction. A healthcare professional can provide you with a proper diagnosis and suggest the best treatment options for your needs. Call our team today to learn how we can help.

This quiz is for informational purposes only and is not to be considered a diagnosis of a substance use disorder. Please consult a mental health professional for an appointment.

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