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The Jackson House philosophy focuses on the facilitation, promotion, and fostering of recovery from mental illness and co-occurring addiction and substance use disorders. We provide support and inspiration to individuals through collaborative and mutually respectful treatment practices. The goal of Jackson House is to assist individuals in becoming valuable citizens in their communities by nurturing opportunities for a good quality of life including independent living.
Jackson House’s executive team, guided by its mission, utilizing employees’ and other stakeholders’ input, and approved by the Board of Directors, prepared its strategic plan to articulate the Company’s short and long-term goals and the means as to how to accomplish them. This guide will act as the organization’s blueprint for both the short term and for the next five years. Jackson House’s strategic team developed this plan to address the behavioral health needs of the community by providing exceptional, client centric behavioral healthcare, while ensuring employee satisfaction and growth, company financial stability, and community involvement.
It is the goal of Jackson House to provide exceptional behavioral health care and co-occurring addiction treatment that provides clients long term results and improved quality of life. Jackson House will incorporate into its program a sense of community, reinforce the importance of family, and fostering the basic feeling of happiness derived from clean and sober, productive living.
Jackson House has recognized the severe lack of mental health services, not just in California, but nationwide. It is Jackson House’s long-term goal to continue to expand and bring these much needed services to underserved communities throughout California and the West Coast. Jackson House continually looks for communities, cities and counties that not only are in need of its services but understand the vital importance and value of mental health treatment.
Jackson House prepares its annual, short, and long-term goals and plan for approval by the Board of Directors at its year end meeting. The plan to accomplish these goals is implemented once approved by the Board. Jackson House measures its progress, analyzes the results monthly, and adjusts it methods accordingly.
Jackson House’s Strategic Plan is the result of a structured and disciplined administrative process guided by the Board of Directors and Executive Leadership that utilizes the input of persons who are representative of the organization’s stakeholders. The Strategic Plan represents the course our organization will take over a (five-year period) to meet the assessed external and internal environmental demands in a manner supportive of our financial, service delivery, and human resource stability and growth.
The Strategic Plan is a critical element of a comprehensive planning process within our organization. The components of organizational planning, and how they support the planning process are as follows:
Strategic Plan: The Strategic Plan represents the course Jackson House will take over a one to five-year period to meet the assessed external and internal environmental demands to support financial, service delivery, and human resource stability and growth.
Ongoing Work Plans: Ongoing work plans include goals, strategies, objectives, responsibilities, and timelines that are focused on specific areas of organizational functioning and typically contain short-term goals that can be met within a 12-month period. When goals on ongoing work plans require timelines that exceed one year, and/or require resources beyond the projected budgets of our organization, those goals may be noted simultaneously on our organizational strategic plan. Our organization’s work plans are as follows:
Analysis Documents: Analysis documents serve to assess, evaluate, and analyze the outcomes of organizational goals, actions, and processes, contained in organizational planning and performance improvement documents. The analysis documents represent processes that support the revision of strategic, work, and performance improvement plans. The organization’s analysis documents are as follows:
The process of developing, actualizing, reviewing, and revising the Strategic Plan will be based on taking advantage of the organization’s strengths and opportunities while addressing our weaknesses and threats in the following areas:
Identification of Planning Participants: The participants and their key roles in Jackson House’s strategic planning process are as follows:
1. Leadership: (President, CEO, Directors, Board of Directors)
Leadership Role: Advocates for the strategic planning process and supports individual roles and responsibilities of those involved in the process. Identifies the members of the planning group and encourages participation. Seeks and identifies facilitator of planning process. Reviews plan drafts and analyzes for final approval. Responsible for final approval of plan and facilitates the communication of final plan within the organizational system. Has oversight of the monitoring and revision of plan, as needed, on an ongoing basis.
2. Planning Facilitator: (Corporate Compliance Officer)
Planning Facilitator Role: Facilitates the organization’s strategic planning process in coordination with leadership.
3. Planning Group: (President, CEO, Directors)
Planning Group Role: Directly involved in the planning process of assessing the issues the organization faces and developing ideas and options for the future.
4. Plan Writer: (Corporate Compliance Officer)
Plan Writer Role: Assembles the planning group’s process and resulting decisions into a functional document. Creates draft of the strategic plan based on notes of planning meetings.
5. Persons Served: The Program Directors at each facility with gather input from persons served through satisfaction surveys, suggestion boxes, complaints, incidents reports, and daily communications.
The Leadership Team will determine a target date for completion of the planning process by identifying the date of a future meeting for adopting the plan.
Upon the recommendations of the Leadership Team, the President/CEO will consider approval of the following components of the planning process:
Prior to the organizational planning sessions, the designated strategic planning facilitator will meet with the Leadership Team to provide an overview of the planned strategic planning process and assess the overall organizational needs. The session will focus on gathering and presenting information in the following areas:
Mission Statement Review: Facilitated process in which the full group of participants responds to questions, such as: What are we? Who are we? What do we do? What are the basic social, political, environmental, financial issues or problems the organization exists to address? What is the social/community justification for the organization to exist? How does the organization recognize, anticipate, and respond to the identified needs and problems? Who are the organization’s key stakeholders and what do they want from the organization? What does the organization value? What makes the organization unique and gives it a competitive advantage?
Organizational Regulatory Requirements and Mandates: Facilitated process in which the full group of participants respond to questions that address mandates, both formal (regulatory, no choice in meeting) and informal (expectations of clients or staff and how the organization responds). Questions for facilitation of this process may include: What are we supposed to do and who requires us to do it? Responses are listed under formal or informal headings. After the brainstorming, individual participants rate the top three, in terms of importance (Techniques for this include providing each participant with three adhesive circle dots and instructing them to place them by the top three requirements in terms of importance. Then a consensus can be identified by the top 4-5 rated items)
Mission Statement Gaps: A facilitated discussion to determine if the identified expectations are represented in the mission statement, and a listing of potential gaps.
Review of Past Outcomes: A facilitated process to determine what opportunities, threats, strengths, and weaknesses the organization has had to deal with over the past 5 years. The group is instructed to identify a list of positive and negative outcomes of the organization’s operations. Identify themes in the generated lists of outcomes, and to identify antecedents that may have influenced the outcomes that are identified (loss of funding, change in leadership, etc). Large group discussion is facilitated to organize the responses into categories of Opportunities, Threats, Strengths, and Weaknesses (over the past 5 years) and, as they are being listed and identified, how each was dealt with by the organization.
A Vision of the Future: A facilitated process to develop what the organization will look like in 5 years. Participants are instructed to spend 5-10 minutes, in silence to imagine that they left the organization today and came back in five years to visit. After writing down their thoughts, the group leader solicits comments of the group, lists the comments, and combines common items, thus developing a master list. All participants are given three adhesive dots to place on the master list beside items they view as most important. The top 5 items become “high priority” for the planning phase of the process.
SWOT Analysis of Current Environment (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats): A process whereby each SWOT component is identified and a brainstorming session of noting (writing a list) current issues related to the area is completed. All participants are given 12 adhesive dots and instructed to place a dot beside three items within each SWOT category on the posted lists. The top five items in each SWOT category are noted for the planning phase of the process.
Identification of Planning Themes: A process whereby the top 5 “Vision for the Future” items, the top 5 Strengths, and the top 5 Opportunities are listed in descending order. A large group process is facilitated whereby some or all of the following questions can be asked, and the identified themes can be revised accordingly:
Identification of Action Steps and Time Frames: A facilitated process whereby each of the identified themes are listed separately and the large group brainstorms anticipated major steps to achieve each one. A facilitated process with the large group reviews notes posted within the years, reviewing themes and the sequencing of items. Questions asked include: Are the major steps in the correct order? Are completion dates realistic? What are the linkages between the themes? What are some of the identified weaknesses and threats that will affect the organization’s ability to complete each step? What resources will be needed to accomplish each major component, and are they available or must they be acquired?
Identification of Goals/Themes and Objectives/Actions: Facilitator, with support from the previously identified plan writer, will list an overall set of goals and action-oriented objectives and discuss with large group to clarify and revise according to group consensus.
Writing a Draft of the Strategic Plan: At this stage, the plan writer will assemble the information into a format that communicates the key areas the planning sessions identified, allowing the organization to move forward with implementing the plan. The draft of the plan will include these elements:
Review and Revision of Mission: A representative group of strategic planning participants (including the leadership team), led by the facilitator, will review the original mission statement, review the areas identified early that raised questions about the statement, review the planning themes, discuss linkages between the statement and planning themes, and identify possible areas of the statement that do not connect with the planning themes. Changes will be made by adding or deleting items from the mission statement and/or from the strategic issues. The process will continue until the mission statement accurately reflects the organization’s current and future strategic goals.
Adopt the Plan: The leadership team will meet and review drafts of the plan and make a final recommendation for approval. The CEO/Ownership of the organization will be responsible for the approval of any mission revision and the strategic plan.
Progress Checks: The Leadership Team will review the plan’s progress, and revise as needed, every three months.